Saturday, November 28, 2009

Red Carpet Welcome

A "Change" in White House protocall that's hard to "Believe in"
Source: Secret Service let couple crash party

A Secret Service officer stationed at the first checkpoint at the White House state dinner last Tuesday [November, 24, 2009] did not verify the names of a couple allowed in even though they were not on the guest list, a senior law enforcement official told NBC News on Friday.

The officer saw that Tareq and Michaele Salahi were not on the list and, rather than verifying if they were legitimate guests, assumed they would be vetted at the next checkpoint and allowed them to pass, NBC learned.

The source also confirmed what two White House staff sources earlier told NBC News, that the Salahis were not “waved in” or had their names manually entered into the White House computer to gain entry.
"An amazing lapse, but even more amazing when you consider that a Service checkpoint stationed outside the White House, where guests’ cars pulled up to the entrance, reportedly did notice that they weren’t on the list and turned them away. Apparently, they simply got out of the car and went around to a pedestrian entrance, where the fateful error occurred. As for how they ended up being announced at the dinner, follow that last link: It sounds like, once you’re inside, all you have to do is write your name on a card and hand it to the emcee. Voila. Instant video magic, my friends."

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